best picture i've ever taken i think. it's of the high E string on my fender jaguar guitar and the pegs behind it. taken with light source shining on it directly and camera set to DM, auto ISO.
all times in the site are EST [eastern standard time], because i live in central ontario.
these pictures are porperty of ME and i'd appreciate it if you didn't steal any [contact info below]. some pics were taken a long time ago and i'm just making educated guesses to what settings the camera was on when i took the picture.
click the pictures to view full size!
oh hai !
hello anyone! this is my blog made to archive neat pictures that i take over time. my main shooting apparatus [camera] is a canon elph powershot camera. it is 8.0 megapixels and i love it to death.
if you'd like to use any of my pics or would like to apply as an author, please feel free to email me @
P o l y p t e r u s _ F T W @ h o t m a i l . c o m
for more information. [remove spaces, they are there to prevent SPAM].